Diva Yoga

Boost your stamina with these five effective yoga asanas

Sarvesh Shashi
December 18, 2020
Boost your stamina with these five effective yoga asanas

‘Mind over matter’, is an age-old saying that holds true in every challenge we face. Whether the hurdle is a mental or physical one, it is only conquered when one pushes their limits and gets out of their comfort zone. Yoga is a superlative method to enhance physical endurance along with boosting mental strength. It’s an all-rounded phenomenon that gradually increases stamina and also unlocks the latent energies within you.

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The key to better stamina is the optimum utilization of oxygen intake. Oxygen plays a vital role in producing energy when the body is in an active state of movement; hence an individual with high endurance capacity performs better than the ones with a lower endurance level. The breathing exercises or rather the breathing discipline involved in yoga allows one to utilize oxygen more effectively resulting in overall excellent performance than the rest.

Let's explore these five yoga asanas to unleash the path to absolute stamina and energy:

1. Naukasana or the Boat Pose

Naukasana enables the strengthening and stretching of the spine. It works brilliantly on the entire body, especially on one's core area. Along with toning and strengthening the core area, it also works on the lower back muscles. Additionally, it strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves body posture and balance. Naukasana also improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices. It’s a great asana to kick start your journey to better stamina levels.

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2. The Setu Bandhasana or the Bridge Pose

This asana engages the core to stabilize the spine as it moves into extension. The pose stretches the hips, thighs, stomach, and back. Additionally, it strengthens the hamstring and the glutes. The Bridge Pose is a wholesome strength building, stability gaining, and stamina-increasing pose.

3. Utkata Konasana The Goddess Pose

The Goddess pose is extremely effective in the strengthening of the overall body. The pose equally concentrates on the lower & the upper body as it maximizes strength in hips (Inner & outer) and the calf muscles as well as the arms, shoulders and back. As the name suggests, it’s a great workout pose for women as it also extends space in the pelvic region thus creating more space for pregnant women. The pose also helps in reducing menstruation pain.

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4. Matsyasana or The Fish Pose

Matsyasana helps in supporting and strengthening the spine. Apart from increasing body stability and stamina with steady breathing it also aids in resolving issues related to constipation and digestion. One can do Matsyasana with or without the back support of pillows or yoga bricks.

5. Balasana or The Child Pose

The child pose is an extremely easy and relaxing pose. It is normally done as a cool down asana after a physically demanding or challenging asana. It helps in stretching the back and spine. It relieves any sort of back pain or fatigue in the body. The asana also promotes steady breathing and calms the mind, thus enabling you to push yourself even further during a gruelling workout session.

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